Okay, so here's your chance to share your Faux Pas with the rest of the world's GW players. Have you seen anything, or done something really funny whilst playing GW that you'd like to share?
Okay, so you're a little shy....... I'l start you off then.
I was in Lions Arch to upgrade my rangers gear for the latest fashion accessories in armour. Unfortunately, I thought I was being clever and resalvaged my old gear to put towards my new...... except it didn't quite work out like that. I found I didn't have enough money or basics materials to buy a complete suit! I ended up spending all I had in money and materials to buy as much as I could - I just couldn't afford them all.
I caused much hilarity for my next group who I accompanied, in order to gain some fast bucks, to replace the final missing item....... my pants!
You can imagine their comments!
Last edited by Synergie; May 26, 2005 at 11:02 AM // 11:02..
Guild: and we all got a complimentary bumper sticker that said, "I helped skin Bob."
Yes you do. Temp Ban! Temp Ban!
On topic, I'd like to add that I've done way too much to mention that would qualify as "daft". My greatest achievment to date was wiping out my entire party by accidentially launching a catapult. It was good times.
Wouldn't the fact that you are taking your pants off be an adventure/mission in and of itself?
Hmm-- wonders what the bonus mission would be
errr back on topic--even though this is the off topic forum:
I once unequipped my wand in order to switch with one in storage--and somehow accidentally sold both of them to the merchant.
Went out to quest and was not paying attention---never read the message: You need to have a weapon equipped to attack" spamming on my screen.
Then--I had no money left to buy anything--had to hunt for like half an hour relying on my spells and henchmen to kill--till I finally got a decent weapon drop.